If you've been to Rooftop Fruit (or met me) you know how obsessed I am with oils. Body oils, hair oils, essential oils, you name it, I have it. Before the obsession started, there was just one oil that I fell in love with, and haven't been able to live without since--EVERYDAY OIL! It seriously is a cure-all for dry skin, keeping my t-zone oil at bay, weird spots that pop up (no joke), keeping my hair looking good and the smell... I just want to EAT IT (but don't!)
My gratefulness for Everyday Oil is tenfold, so I wanted to talk to the person behind the product and find out what makes it special. Meet Emma:

First of all, we love Everyday Oil. What inspired you to start this adventure?
EA: Thank you!! I really started making Everyday Oil years and years ago in my kitchen simply because I wanted something like it and I couldn't find it.
Tell us more about your product and how you make it?
EA: It's an all over face and body oil, all natural, as in 100% from plants :) I bring in the oils from all over the world and we have a little factory in Black Mountain, NC where we make Everyday Oil, bottle it, and ship it out with love :)
What is your favorite way to use Everyday Oil?
EA: Personally, it's just my go to for everything. I love to take a really hot bath and put Everyday Oil on in the bath because I think it super penetrates and is like a spa.
What is the strangest way a customer has told you they use it?
EA: A friend messaged me that he was traveling in Mexico and got swimmers ear and put Everyday Oil in there and it cured it :)
What is the most fulfilling thing about what you do?
EA: Definitely getting emails and feedback from people telling me that it has helped their skin, that is is a beloved staple in their day. I really love that and the community that builds from putting something out into the world that you love and believe in.
What are you excited about for the future of your business?
EA: Oh man, there's so much I want to do. I have exercised a lot of restraint by only releasing one product, haha. There is more to come that I'm very excited about but I can't talk about it yet :) (since this article published, Everyday Oil has released 3 new products--Baseline, Early Morning, and Warm Feelings).
If you weren't making Everyday Oil, what would your dream job be?
EA: I guess I've realized that I really am an entrepreneur at heart. There are lot of projects and ideas that I would work on if I wasn't already committed with Everyday Oil. I love dreaming about ideas and geeking out with friends on their business ideas, etc. Definitely one of my favorite past times.
What's the best advice you've ever been given?
EA: I think that I've been given so much amazing advice in this life and have been lucky to have access to so many books and resources that have helped me get through more difficult times. I've had some people in my life that have showed me through example how to let go, how to move forward, how to keep going. When I found Joseph Campbell, I felt like I had found a mentor, even though I can only know him through his teachings, of course. He talks about how things that feel like failures can be viewed as blessings, that you can see everything that happens to you as positive, which comes from Nietzsche. That comes up a lot in life - just viewing things that seem like disasters, set backs, heartbreaks, as blessings. I find it to be true. Also, my granddad used to say Carpe Diem all the time. He's gone now and as I get older I think about that more and more - seizing the day.
If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?
EA: A lighter, adaptogens + Everyday Oil! <3

Find Emma. Follow Emma.
Photos by various.
(this article was originally published October 2021, and edited/updated June 2024)